Have you been looking for a way to finally get on top of your money? This. Is. Your. Time. You'll be surprised to see how much the Bible has to say about our finances. Come learn all about it in Financial Peace University. In no time, you'll be on your way to financial freedom and outrageous generosity! Financial Peace University at CCC will be a hybrid experience. We will watch videos of the content at home, and we will join together at CCC once a week for an hour (Mondays at 7:00 pm) to discuss and do activities as a group. Here's the agenda: 4/8 - Budgeting and creating a starter emergency fund 4/22 - Getting out of debt 4/29 - Setting up a fully funded emergency fund 5/6 - Planning for retirement, kids' college, paying off the mortgage, and giving generously 5/13 - Gaining power over your spending 5/20 - Understanding insurance you need (and what to avoid) 6/3 - Investing for the future 6/10 - Buying and selling a home 6/17 - Outrageous generosity For more information and to register follow the link below! |